Gadgets for writers is, as you might have guessed, a blog about the various gadgets, tools and other devices that you can use to make your writing life easier and more productive. Founded and written by a practising professional who has been selling words for a living for over three decades, the aim of this site is to provide you with inspiration, ideas and information that will help you to choose the writing gadgets that are most likely to prove genuinely useful, rather than ones that look good but are only going to gather dust in your home office.
Whilst the term ‘gadgets for writers’ might sound very modern, the concept of writers taking advantage of the latest technology is actually quite old. Once upon a time the basic tools of a writer were a feather quill and a pot of ink, but then the fountain pen came along and revolutionised the lives of writers everywhere. The original fountain pen was a ‘gadget’ that, in all likelihood, many traditionalists avoided for as long as possible, but those who embraced it became more productive for the simple reason that they no longer needed to dip their quills every few seconds.
Ball point pens were another gadget that made the writing life easier, and manual typewriters revolutionised the industry. Progress continued with the advent of electric typewriters, and then dedicated word processors. The personal computer once again transformed the way that writers could work, and as the years progressed the computers became smaller and more powerful, with laptops, handhelds and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA’s) enabling us to produce text even when we were away from the desk.
Clearly, gadgets for writers have been around for a long time, and the only things that have really changed are the type and range of gadgets that have become available. Whereas the fountain pen was once at the cutting edge, today we can choose to increase our productivity, efficiency and quality of life by equipping ourselves with a desktop computer, laptop, netbook or even a smartphone.
Because all writers work differently and have differing expectations and requirements, no single tool can meet the needs of everyone. For that reason, Gadgets for Writers will provide information on a range of gadgets so that you can pick and choose according to your own particular requirements.
Where appropriate, posts which are published here contain Amazon links to the featured gadgets so that you can find out more and, if you wish, purchase them for yourself. Purchasing any gadget via the links provided – all of which will open in a new browser window – will cost exactly the same as when visiting Amazon directly, but this site receives a small commission for any purchase which is made, and that helps us to cover the ongoing running costs of the site.
And with that, we will now leave you to explore the rest of the site at your leisure.
Enjoy the content and happy writing!
PS – Although Gadgets for Writers is written for an international audience, The Gadget Man himself is based in the UK, so please don’t get annoyed by his use of British English.